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Don’t Fight Your Gremlins Alone: How InPower’s Toolbox of Solutions Can Help

Oct 31, 2024

How unique are your electrical systems challenges really? You’d be surprised how often the same problems that bedevil you have already been battled—and conquered—by other builders. That gremlin in your electrical system’s design? Odds are pretty high InPower’s engineers have seen it and solved it.  

How does that benefit you? Once we find the solution to a problem, we file it away. It’s like putting a tool in a toolbox, so it’s easy to grab and use when you need it. With decades of experience in design and engineering work, we’ve solved a lot of problems—and added a lot of tools to our toolbox. 

The number of times the InPower Toolbox of Solutions has come in handy is too numerous to count. Whenever upfitters and builders ask for help chasing down their gremlins, simplifying systems designs, and improving reliability to save on future labor and engineering costs, the toolbox is our team’s first go-to.  

The odds are high that whatever challenge your upfit faces, the solution is hidden within the toolbox. InPower has developed tools for many different applications, from high-reliability DC motor drivers to lighting controls, from chassis signal decoders to entire battery management systems. We’ve made custom controls for small pools of highly specialized vehicles and provided systems for fleets of thousands. Every product, from the simple to the complicated, has married together different techniques and technologies we’ve drawn from our toolbox of solutions over the years. 

Why go solo in trying to solve a problem others have already fixed?

Save your precious time and resources; the odds are high that InPower already has solutions to your problems. 

InPower’s Toolbox of Solutions is wide and deep with many surprising niches and cubbies. It’s filled with ways to solve the challenges you’re facing. You don’t need to fight your gremlins alone.   

Contact InPower today to see what our Toolbox of Solutions can do to kick the gremlins out of your wiring. 

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