The big automakers have incorporated ever more sophisticated electronics in car and truck chassis since the late 1970s. They’ve replaced failure-prone electro-mechanical devices and daisy-chained wiring trunk issues while adding sophistication, reliability, and creature comforts in ways too numerous to count. While that same underlying technology has been available to vehicle upfitters for years, many have been reluctant to use it. Instead, they stick with hard-wired rocker switches, relay logic arrays, or other bulkier controls to handle the lights, radios, batteries, and other electrical loads that are part of any upfit.
Why continue using more complicated circuitry when there’s something less complex?
First, many multiplex solutions come with high up-front product costs and require expensive training classes and complicated software licenses. Second, these systems have a steep learning curve and can take months or years to master—many upfitters don’t have that kind of time. Finally, the “old ways” are still popular. Many upfitters want to stick to products and processes that allow anyone who can master a set of crimpers and pull wire to get the job done.
But what if the up-front costs were minimal and you could start small? What if there were a system so easy to learn you could program it almost as easily as talking? What if the system was easy and to install? What if you could have the sophistication without the headaches and complexity?
InPower’s VCMS-II product family really is that easy.
What makes the VCMS-II products different?
It starts with our programming language—we call it “Conversational Basic”. If you can describe in a sentence or two what you want a switch to do or how you want your system to respond to an input, then you can learn to program it. We can teach you in a day or two. Don’t have time to learn? We offer pre-programmed systems with many common options already set up for you, or we can work with you to develop and set up a system tailored to your needs (development fees may apply).
They offer flexibility. If you only need to control a few loads, you can start with one small module. Our base module has 8 signal inputs and 8 power outputs and can stand on its own. If you need to control a lot of loads and signals, this modular system is easily expanded.
Our systems will also save you money. Stop investing in yet more tooling for another connector system. We offer blunt-cut pigtail plugs so you can butt-splice right in with tools you already have. All you’ll need are a few wires to connect from module to module.
The switch panels are easy too, with brightly backlit buttons and easy-to-replace button legends. They are available with 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 buttons in a panel and offer the option of adding more panels where you need them. You are only ever paying for exactly what you need.
At InPower, we provide modern, sophisticated, and reliable multiplex solutions for wiring your lights, radios, timers, fans, outrigger controls, and many other options. Our affordable prices and easy-to-learn programming make our products well within reach for everyone, whether you are running a small specialty shop or building entire fleets.
Call or email us to learn more or check out our VCMS-II modules online.