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24V Solid State Wig-Wag Flasher

The VCM-09 warning flasher is a solid-state dual output alternating warning lamp flasher. When a ground is applied to the input, the outputs will alternately flash at a rate of 75 cycles per minute at a 50% duty cycle. The flasher is designed to work with LED, incandescent or halogen loads on the outputs. The flasher does not change its rate of flash with changes in output load current.

24VDC 10A Alternating Flasher ( VCM-09 )

Key Features:

  • Low cost
  • Outputs are not load dependent
  • Reliable 100% solid-state design
  • Over-current protection on both 10A outputs
  • Standard automotive relay pin format


  • Power input voltage: Pin 30 +8V to 26Vdc
  • Control input: External contact closure to ground
  • Output A and B rating: 10 amps at 24Vdc
  • Flash rate: 75 cycles per minute
  • Weight: .10 lbs
  • Operating temperature: -40C to +85 C

System Diagram:

Mechanical Drawing:

Product Literature and Resources:

VCM-09 Data Sheet

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