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Take Control Over Idle Operation and Increase Your Power

Take Control Over Idle Operation and Increase Your Power

Idle work trucks are very rarely truly idle. The engine is always working to keep the truck’s lights on in the dark and temps warm in the winter and cool in the summer. In addition, it’s always generating useful power that can be converted into torque for mechanical...
Multiplex Power Without Complex Code

Multiplex Power Without Complex Code

The big automakers have incorporated ever more sophisticated electronics in car and truck chassis since the late 1970s. They’ve replaced failure-prone electro-mechanical devices and daisy-chained wiring trunk issues while adding sophistication, reliability, and...
Our Customization Options Put You in Control

Our Customization Options Put You in Control

At InPower, our engineers like to find new ways to solve problems that have troubled the vehicle industry for decades, while also addressing new technical challenges that crop up. Our engineering expertise and deep knowledge of vehicle issues, combined with our rapid...
Make Upfitting Your Vehicles Easier and More Efficient

Make Upfitting Your Vehicles Easier and More Efficient

  It wasn’t that long ago that you could tap into just about any wire on a vehicle and get a signal you needed—the backup lights to get a reverse signal or an ignition wire under the dash to switch a load with only the key in. Today, practically every module,...
Don’t Get Stuck with a Dead Truck Battery

Don’t Get Stuck with a Dead Truck Battery

  It’s late and you’ve been on a job all day. It’s getting dark and you’ve got your scene lights on full blast as you finish putting things back together. The safety strobes flash to warn motorists of your presence on the shoulder of the road. You’ve been using...