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Digital Ammeter / Voltmeter

Digital battery monitor and alarm that displays voltage and current for up to two ammeters. Backlit transflective LCD is sunlight readable. A built-in low voltage output provided to meet KKK and NFPA requirements. An alarm cancel input provided to silence alarm. Auto detects current sensors to adjust display for one or two current sensors. Display voltage flashes during low voltage condition. Display voltage only when sensors are installed.

Digital Voltmeter / Ammeter [ DSP1-DCS35-300-2 ]

Key Features:

  • Displays battery voltage
  • Dual DC ammeter displays
  • Sunlight readable LCD display
  • Visual and audible low voltage indication provided
  • Auto configures for single or dual ammeters
  • No calibration required
  • Alarm silence input to mute low voltage alarm


  • Operational voltage: +8 to +16 Vdc
  • Operating current: .065 amps, plus .5 amps for alarm output during low voltage
  • Voltage measurement: 0 to 20 Vdc
  • Current range: -300 to +300 Amps
  • Sensor: DCS35-300-2
  • Operational temperature: -20 to 80 C
  • Display character height: .20 “”
  • Low voltage 11.8V alarm for 120 seconds, disable alarm with ground to cancel input

System Diagrams:

Mechanical Drawings:

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